Saturday, March 28, 2009

Winn Family Spring 2009

The Winn family ranks right up there as one of my fave families to photograph! Rachel and Michael aren't afraid to think outside the box ....... or the tree for the matter! They both climbed a tree with such precision that I can only assume it's an Oklahoma thing - for Michael I would assume it's military traning, but Rachel did it in flip flops in seconds flat ... so there goes my military theory! Em and Alie are my sweet little models who have come to tolerate me behind the lens. I love these of Alie because she just smiles at ANYTHING and it's so infectious!

Bradyn's Spring Photos

Courtney's Senior Shoot

Courtney can't really be graduating ... CAN SHE? Just yesterday she came over to my neighbors for a barbecue and she was 5. We got some fun shots on Main Street, and Courtney had scoped out local buildings and fell in love with Roosevelt School, which is now one of my fave spots!